Removing A Mole with Essential Oils

I have had numerous people ask me about using Oregano to get rid of moles and skin tags.

Yes, Oregano Oil can zap a wart, skin tag and even moles. Make sure read to the bottom to see the amazing before and after pictures.

While moles are generally not dangerous, a small portion are cancerous, and all new moles should be checked by a doctor. However, there are natural treatments that use oregano essential oil for non-cancerous moles, according to Marcel Lavabre, author of “Aromatherapy Workbook.”

Step 1Free Essential Oils Remove Mole with Oregano

Drop a small amount of the essential oil onto a q-tip or small pad, a band-aid works great.

Step 2

Dab the cotton pad on your skin and let the oil stay on the area for 10 to 15 minutes.

Step 3

Apply a drop of lavender round the outer area of the mole, to soothe any burning. A burning feeling is common but should not last for more than a minute or two. The burning can even be eased by adding one drop of Fractionated Coconut Oil to one drop of Oregano Oil.

Step 4

Use this treatment up to twice daily. Stop using the essential oil mixture if it causes prolonged redness, swelling, itching or dry skin.

Step 5

Store unused portions of the mixture in a cool, dark place.

Here is a testimonial from my friend Sherry, who saved her husband  from surgery and a $1200 medical bill. “Okay, this is pretty remarkable!!! My husband was referred to a plastic surgeon to remove a mole from his face. JoAnn had mentioned to me that Oregano oil will remove skin tags, etc so I looked it up on the internet and there was a YouTube Video on it. I used one drop of Oregano oil on it a day for 10 days and covered it with a band-aid. It is now completely gone! I have since tried other brands of essential oils and they haven’t even touched his moles. I will only use doTERRA from here on out. ” Sherry C. *See tips and Warnings

Remove moles naturally


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    Start Shopping for More Essential Oils 

    *Tips and Warnings

    • Not recommend  on small children, instead use Melaleuca Oil or Frankincense Oil. It may take longer but is much gentler than Oregano.
    • Test a small amount of the essential oil mixture on a small, hard-to-see spot of skin before applying the mixture to a larger, more visible area. Allergic reactions are fairly uncommon, but they do happen from time to time.
    • While this is normal for natural treatments, you should consult your doctor if you are concerned about potential allergic reaction or negative interaction with topical treatments you are using.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Be sure to use only 100% pure therapeutic-grade essential oils and follow all label warnings and instructions. Essential oils should not be used in the eyes, inside the ear canal, or in open wounds. If redness or irritation occurs when using essential oils topically, simply apply pure vegetable oils such as fractionated coconut oil or olive oil to the affected area. Consult your physician before using essential oils if you are pregnant or under a doctor’s care.

7 responses to “Removing A Mole with Essential Oils”

  1. […] It is one of the most important oils to use when fighting any infection. Oregano also works great to remove moles, skin tags and warts. It is a very hot oil and must be diluted with any carrier oil (Coconut […]

  2. Reblogged this on A Common Life and commented:
    Seems worth trying!

  3. I have tried using this oil and it hasn’t worked. I was told that if the oregano doesnt work there is a sronger one that could easily take it off and no I cant go and ask them because they went out of business would you know by any chance what that oild is? I would really appreciate it! Thank you

    1. It makes a big difference the quality of essential oil you are using. I use doTERRA Oregano, and this was the brand used in the photos. You can buy it here

  4. How long does it generally take to see results?

    1. I saw changes in 2 days and drastic changes in 4 days with a large mole. However i left it on day and night letting it breath during 2 30 min sessions daily. working great so far.

  5. Use a Band-Aid or tape to hold the cotton ball in place.
    HPV has over 100 different strains and infects nearly 40 percent of the global population making
    it the commonest virus in the world. Cut a piece of duct tape slightly larger
    than the wart and press it firmly down on the wart. Some suggest soaking
    the wart in ACV for about 20 minutes a night.

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